Macbeth Lighting solutions are recognized as the standard for visual color evaluations and specified by the leading brand owners for critical color decisions globally. Macbeth offers a selection of quality lighting solutions that incorporate the world's most accurate simulation of natural daylight.
From quality control, grading and sorting to metamerism testing and product evaluations, these evenly balanced systems allow you to detect and correct color discrepancies before your customers do, eliminating the guesswork and streamlining the approval process to insure color harmony throughout a supply chain.
SpectraLight QC
The SpectraLight QC is the light booth of choice for color-critical visual assessment of large and small items under daylight and other lighting conditions; includes 7 light sources.
Available in booth and overhead luminaire.
Judge QC
This affordable, durable light booth has 5 light sources for accurate evaluation of color under controlled lighting conditions for print, packaging and industrial applications.
Pantone 3
The Pantone 3 light booth is a compact and durable light booth with stylish design yet an entry level price that's great for an office or manufacturing environment.